One-stop guide for everything on OET Speaking


Format of the Test

OET Speaking is profession-specific, though the format remains the same. It is the final module on test-day.

Section 1: Warm-up

This part of the test is not assessed. It is meant for you to become familiar with the interlocutor's voice and try to relax. They will ask general questions (oet training in bangalore). 

Section 2: Role-play

You’ll get 2 role-plays. You’ll have 3 minutes to prep and 5 minutes to speak in each. You’ll be given a role-card containing instructions and information. The interlocutor plays the patient, while you play the healthcare professional (Ielts Coaching in Bangalore).

You’ll be graded by 2 independent assessors. Borderline differences are assessed by a 3rd assessor, so that you get a fair and valid grade.

Assessment of OET Speaking

Each role-play is assessed against:

  1. Linguistic Criteria – scored out of 6

  • Intelligibility: Pronunciation, intonation and accent

  • Fluency: Speed and smoothness of your speech 

  • Appropriateness: Language, tone and professionalism 

  • Resources of grammar and expression: Grammatical accuracy and vocabulary choices


  1. Clinical Communication Criteria – scored out of 3

  • Relationship-building: Choice of opening to the conversation, demonstration of empathy and respect

  • Understanding and incorporating the patient’s perspective

  • Providing structure: How you organize the information you provide, how you introduce new topics for discussion

  • Information-gathering: Type of questions you ask, how you respond to the listener

  • Information-giving: Type of information you give, language you use


Tips for Preparation

  1. Focus on the listener 

Each role-play involves a different patient and healthcare situation, which means you must personalize communication. Avoid using learned phrases (IELTS Online Coaching in Bangalore).

Use the role-card to make communication choices:

  • Check the setting – where is the conversation taking place, is it an emergency situation or not. This will help you decide how to start speaking.

  • Check the condition and purpose of the role-play – this will tell you what you do and don’t know, so that you can accordingly get more information from the patient.

  • Check your tasks i.e. points to cover – you may not be able to complete all, but you must try to cover as many as possible. 


  1. Imagine a Real Patient

Imagine that the interlocutor is a real patient. 

  • Decide your communication based on the type of patient – a patient in an emergency situation, one with pre-existing knowledge about their condition, an older or younger patient, or a very emotional one, such as a frustrated or anxious patient. 

  • Sometimes, the interlocutor may not play a patient, but a patient’s family-member or care-giver.

  • In the role-card, adjectives can indicate how the patient is feeling. This will help you make choices about how to start speaking, and what info to provide.

  • Put yourself in the patient's shoes, and ask yourself what they would want to hear. This may differ from what you would think they need to know.

  • Be reassuring.


  1. Structure Your Communication

These are the stages of good communication:

  1. Understand your patient’s perspective.

  2. Validate their perspective, using empathy.

  3. Explain information clearly and simply. Provide information that they need. Avoid unnecessary medical language, unless they already have pre-existing knowledge.

  4. Check if your patient has understood. Ask them if they have questions or need clarifications (oet).

There are also stages of listening, that are important to good communication:

  1. Encourage your patient to talk freely, and later, encourage them to continue by saying ‘right’, ‘okay’ when they pause.

  2. Avoid interrupting your patient.

  3. Provide an appropriate response to show that you were listening – you can summarize what the patient has said, or ask follow up questions.


  1. Practice

  • Variety of healthcare situations and types of patients.

  • Record yourself, so you can assess yourself later.

  • Get feedback from someone trained.

  • Make a record of useful phrases, usable in a number of situations, and practice using them. 


How to Handle Test-Day

  1. During Preparation Time:

  • Ask the interlocutor any questions you may have, or to define or pronounce unfamiliar words.

  • Plan how much time you’ll take on each task, so that you can cover as much as possible.

  • Think about how the patient feels, and decide what language to use.

  • Decide how you’ll start, so that you’re ready when the interlocutor tells you to start.


  1. During Role-Play

  • Keep talking during the 5 mins. The interlocutor will tell you when to stop. 

  • Balance time you spend speaking and listening.

  • It’s okay if the patient doesn’t understand something, as the interlocutor doesn’t have medical knowledge. Simply ask how you can clarify.

  • Remember, OET is not testing your medical knowledge, only language.


Did you find this information on OET Speaking module useful? To know more about it join Hurray’s online/classroom OET training. Reach out to us at or call us at 9900426501.

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